Friday, June 18, 2010

The List of Things to Come

1. All in the Timing opens in less than a week. I. Am. STOKED.

2. I decided today that I'm going to submit my Badasses Drinking Through Straws series to the Textile Arts Center opening show. I just have to write an artist statement. Currently mulling over that one.

3. Going to see Toy Story 3 tonight and I've been texting my boyfriend with things like "toy story toy story toy story! I'm so excited!!! :D". I'm ready. I want to see it right friggin now.

4. I've started a new embroidery series. I'm stitching simple inspirational quotes, such as "When you throw dirt, you lose ground", but mixing up the letters within the words. The concept is that there are so many simple solutions to life's problems and we tend to over complicate those solutions and make things harder for ourselves. Hopefully, the series makes sense to people. That is the point after all. *wink wink*

5. Sunday is Father's Day. Don't forget to call yo' papa!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

You should totally get in the show. Badasses drinkin' through straws is a beautiful set of works. :)