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If you haven't found Hi Tree! on Etsy yet, you best get to it, child. I'm a pretty regular reader of Tina's (Hi Tree! creator) blog and a few weeks ago she posted a drawing for a free key chain. Of course, I put my name in the drawing. Lo and behold......
I won!It is ridonkulously cute. I mean...RI-DONK-U-LOUSLY cute. I must insist that if you haven't checked out Tina's store Hi Tree! on Esty or her blog you should go do so, like, right now. I mean it. Stop reading this drivel and go check her out!!!Thanks Tina!*M*
Some friends of mine took a trip to New Mexico about a month ago to go hiking with Alpacas and one of them brought back a couple skeins of Alpaca yarn. It's gorgeous, light, strong and oh so warm. The other night she gave it to me and said "make whatever you want with this. I trust you".
I've never used anything like Alpaca yarn before. I feel kinda spoiled by it right now. Hee hee! At the moment I'm just working on a scarf. If I can finagle a stitch here and there to have some left over I'm going to see if I can pull off some fingerless gloves as well.This yarn is! GOOOOOOOOOOOO ALPACAS!xoxo,*M*
For the past two years I've been really dedicated to performing in my theatre company's productions (Babes With Blades). I've been working myself to the bone and I decided after this last one I was going to take a short break. I decided to bow out of the casting pool for our Spring show, MacBeth, which was a haaaaaaaaaaaaard call to make. My sanity won out over the Bard. Next time, Bill. We'll be together next time.I've been focusing on craft fairs, my Etsy store and getting new head shots taken (one more week!), so theatre kinda went on the back burner for a few weeks. And yesterday I set up an audition for Point of Contention Theatre's ChAoS festival. While auditioning for POC, Rascal Children’s Theater, will be sharing the audition times with POC for their own season, and thus I'll be seen for approximately 10 + plays. Holy majoly. Needless to say I think this will be a good start to getting back into the auditioning game. Ha Cha!
Happy Friday Readers,
I loves me some dollar stores. Thanks to Threadbanger I came across this blog all about Dollar Store Crafts!I admit some of the crafts are a little silly, but there are some great ideas that luckily come with tutorials posted there. Oh so many Christmas ideas!It may become my new BBFF (Best Blog Friend Forever). :)xoxo,*M*
It's funny how text messages have become so popular. Almost like a new form of love letters, which makes me kinda sad in a way. But these embroidered text messages are both clever and desperate. I have to admit I'm a little disturbed by how much they affected me this morning.
Oh memories....
....and now we wait.xoxo*M*
My friend Jim Cereal in the UK loves this artist, Faile. I was just searching through some photos of his work on Flickr and came across this one:
Somewhat fitting considering the history that will be made tomorrow. ;)xoxo,*M*
Election Day is tomorrow. I can't wait for it to be over. I had stomach pains all last week from talking politics with people and I just can't anymore. So, all I will say is, get yourself informed (for the love of God, be informed) before you make a choice. Look outside the box. Go vote!